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4 Matched Games Children Played

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4 Matched Games Children Played  5

There are many online games scattered on the internet, but not all are suitable and suitable for children to play. It can't be denied anymore, the presence of a girl
There are many online games scattered on the internet, but not all are suitable and suitable for children to play. It is undeniable, the presence of gadgets can shift children's play patterns. Today's kids prefer to play online games that can be enjoyed via smart phones.

Please note, at least there are 500 online games that roam the Internet. Here are 4 online games that are suitable for children to play.

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Lego Juniors Create & Cruise is a fun educational game, certainly suitable for children. This game encourages children to build and create their imagination at work. The characters displayed are also in accordance with the child's world, such as; princesses, officers and ninja.

This game will feature forms of LEGO that are familiar among children. In the game, children can build helicopters, trucks and cars using virtual LEGO pieces to be able to roam at more difficulty levels and collect LEGO pieces.

This game provides creative outlets for children, as a provocation so that children are able to think out of the box. Audio visuals offered are also quite child-friendly, with animations and bright color graphics display making it easier for children to carry out instructions. So this game is suitable for toddlers, school children and even children who cannot read and write.

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Fairy Tales Children’s Book is a reading application that features an interactive mini game, so it is more fun to read and is entertaining for children.

The language of the story used is foreign languages, one of which is English. Suitable as a medium for introducing and learning English for elementary school children.

Introducing foreign languages ​​from an early age in children, becomes very important to stimulate children's creativity, skills and flexibility. Especially when children are more than 1 year old.

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This game is more suitable for toddlers and children aged 8 years and under. Has 4 levels with different difficulty levels. Each level requires children to guess and arrange the puzzles that make up animals.

The main character in this game is a lion, with a distinctive sound of a male lion while reciting the names of animals, fruits, and objects that have been strung together. This game is perfect for toddlers, children under the age of 8 years. Through this game, children will be honed cognitive and motor skills.

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Kirby’s Nextra Epic Yarn is a game that has an adventure genre to the world of wool or yarn. The character who plays in this game is Kirby, a pink round creature stranded in a world of cloth and yarn.

Visualization of this game displays the characters and their world knitted with yarn. Later Kirby can utilize the threads on his body for adventure. The conversation of the game's characters resembles the voice of a child, so it is tickling to be heard.

This game is designed with animation and audio suitable for children over the age of 8 years. The main character in this game can turn into a number of animals, like dolphins and penguins. In this section, children are introduced to several animals.

The game, which was released on March 8, 2019, can have an effect on children to be able to analyze places visually, solve puzzles to conclude the sequence of events. Of course, this game can stimulate the concentration of children in seeing the situation around.

That was the tutorial 4 Matched Games Children Played .
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