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How to Fix a Cellphone not Charging When Charged and Find Out the Cause

How to Fix a Cellphone not Charging When Charged and Find Out the Cause.
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Having an Android phone that can't be charged or charged is one big problem.

This is because Android has become a daily necessity that supports all daily activities, both for finding information, interacting with classmates or office friends.

If you are faced with a cellphone problem that cannot be charged, don't be frustrated. Especially if it makes you think and upset with the people around you.

You just need to be calm and start to find out why your phone doesn't charge when it's plugged in.

Do not immediately assume that the charger is damaged, bloated batteries and others, because many factors cause this to happen.

Quoted from Viral Tech, here are some ways that will help you if faced with a cellphone situation that cannot be charged.

How to fix it:

1. Reinsert the charger cable

If your cell phone is not charging, there might be a problem with the power socket or charger. Reinsert the charger cable to make sure.

Make sure you have turned on the power switch and check that the phone is charging or not. If not, follow the next method.

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2. Check the cable

There is no doubt that the most vulnerable part of any charger, including laptop chargers, is the cable part. Frequent use of the power cord can cause the cable to become damaged.

If you use a USB cable to charge it, check the physical damage to the cable. If there is physical damage, use another USB cable to charge your cellphone.

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3. Check the charger adapter

If there is no damage to the cable, the next thing you need to check is the adapter. The charging adapter usually has very little service life. The adapter is prone to short circuit.

So, to check the charger adapter, remove the charger adapter and check for physical damage.

If there is no physical damage, then smell the burning aroma around the adapter. If there is a smell of burning, then it is certain the adapter is damaged.

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4. Look for another power source

It is very possible that your cellphone or charger is not damaged. So, before assuming anything, be sure to check the power outlet to make sure the electricity is damaged or not.

If there is electrical damage, you will usually smell a burning scent around the power source. Anticipating this, you need to try another socket or use your laptop to check whether the phone and charger are functioning or not.

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5. Check the USB socket

If you already know that chargers and resources are functioning properly, then you should pay attention to technical matters, for example a mobile USB port.

The charging port on a cellphone is very likely to be exposed to dust, the dust can accumulate from time to time.

So, you need to check and clean the mobile charging port to fix the problem. You can also blow directly into the charging port to clean up a small amount of debris.

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You can also bend the USB port of your connector, so it fails to make contact with the charging cable. Because this is technical in nature, you are advised to take your cell phone to the nearest service location to fix it.

6. Check the battery

Most Android phones now come with non-removable batteries (implanted batteries).

However, cell phones with removable batteries are still on the market, and people still use them.

So, to check the battery, remove the back cover and check whether the battery is bloated or not. If the battery is bloated, then you need to replace the battery.

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For those of you who have a non-removable battery, you should check the side of the screen, if the side of the screen comes out of the edge, then your battery is bloated. ***

hat was the tutorial How to Fix a Cellphone not Charging When Charged and Find Out the Cause.

Hopefully useful .Thank you. If it is useful for you, please help and don't forget to click on the ad, huh?

Tag : Android, Tutorial
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